Saturday, April 20, 2024

Connolly and Elugardo’s tenant protections bill could aid against rising rents and gentrification

Make Massachusetts a climate resilience leader by passing Rep. Decker’s 100 Percent Clean Act

City passes a campaign finance reform law, overcoming bid to await Legislature’s okay

Edwards is Cambridgeport’s choice for senator, with 95% of local votes helping win a primary

School meals for all kids should be permanent 

Meet Boston city councilor Lydia Edwards, candidate for special state Senate election

Revere School Committee member D’Ambrosio is a candidate for special state Senate election

Redistricting now keeps East Cambridge united in more geographically ‘coherent’ 26th district

Use the American Rescue Plan Act to help farms

State redistricting would unseat Rep. Livingstone within Cambridge for Connolly, Moran and Ryan