Thursday, April 25, 2024

Eastern comma butterfly has antifreeze blood and is tough enough to even chase after birds

The black-legged tick we hate and fear has a trick that could heal injuries and repair broken bones

Hermit thrushes, bluebirds’ colorless cousins, use their double voice box for flutelike songs

Killdeer name is based on the sound of their call; when called on to defend a nest, they’ll try a trick

Northern leopard frog have fewer places to sing, meet and breed tadpoles from a 6,000-egg jelly

Bluebirds’ vibrant colors and sweet warble thrill, but they’re not the hardiest and might need help

American kestrels: Tiny hunter with cruel talons, watching for prey before a sudden, deadly swoop

House finches once were popular as singing pets, then found ways to soar when freed into the wild

Fishers are elusive and confusing to us humans; Porcupines know them all too well – as hunters

Rats really are hard to kill – as a species, anyway, with an evolutionary fail-safe for rapid breeding