Thursday, April 25, 2024

After visiting with residents and city officials concerning future development on New Street in the Fresh Pond neighborhood, we heard loud and clear three priorities: traffic congestion, flooding and the need for climate mitigation. As a result, the proposed New Street overlay zoning district requires prospective developers to place a premium on these concerns.

No project is perfect, but having listened and learned, we propose a new development with the lowest possible traffic impact; a sophisticated stormwater system to replace the current, inadequate single drainage outlet; and the largest net zero energy building and the largest private solar array in the City of Cambridge. In addition, the project will provide a new bike/pedestrian path connecting neighborhoods and storage space for athletic equipment for Danehy park.

We are proud to have support from several leading environmental nonprofits engaged in the fight against climate change.

[An attached letter dated to the City Council dated Aug. 6 includes the names and signatures of Michael Green, executive director of the Climate Action Business Association; Elizabeth Henry, president of the Environmental League of Massachusetts; Brad Campbell, president of the Conservation Law Foundation; and Robert Zimmerman, former president of the Charles River Watershed Association.]

George Bachrach
SSG Development