Friday, April 19, 2024

I hope you’ll join me in supporting Nicola Williams for City Council this November. I’ve gotten to know and admire Nicola based on her work in the Harvard Square Neighborhood Association and other community groups, where she has always been one of the most thoughtful, holistic and inclusive voices in advocating for solutions that will make Cambridge a better place to live.

Nicola has pushed hard for programs that will protect people and small businesses at risk of being priced out of the city, and she believes diversity of all kinds is one of our bedrock strengths. But she has been equally forceful in resisting poorly thought out programs such as the Affordable Housing Overlay.

Most importantly, Nicola has said no to the ever increasing problem of developer-driven politics and the influx of campaign cash into city elections. Meanwhile, many of her opponents are funding their campaigns with 20 percent to 40 percent of their financial backing coming from developers and others with businesses that profit from relaxed zoning rules and other matters before the City Council.

Nicola’s not alone in this fight, and there are a number of other excellent candidates. Patty Nolan brings a strong analytical approach, a big heart and great experience from the School Committee. Derek Kopon has been the most active proponent of campaign finance reform. Incumbents Craig Kelley, Dennis Carlone and Quinton Zondervan have been steady voices of reason and deserve reelection. All of these candidates have refused funding from developers and corporate political action committees, and all are committed to sensible growth plans, environmental protection and making sure that Cambridge is a livable city focused on people, not profits.

Peter Glick, Observatory Hill