Friday, April 26, 2024

Central Square business improvement district wins council okay with ‘place keeping’ mission

Tree-cutting ‘moratorium’ passes council 7-2, expected to burden Works staff with permits

Tree-cutting moratorium felled by complaints of lack of process, shrugs about ‘emergency’

Requiring more permits could slow tree loss, but many feel tweak to law is too small a step

Catastrophic Dec. 23 West Cambridge floods brought no comfort from city, residents say

Digital equity initiative is ‘spinning our wheels’ on way to study of city broadband, officials say

Inman Square redesign gets $5M allocation, with design work, business plan still to come

Unanimous support for ‘Yes on Three’ order underlines city as haven for trans population

Inman Square redesign gets 7-2 council vote, promises of help for affected small businesses

Police congratulated for task force in The Port that cut gunfire incidents, kept Carnival peace